Create Belonging in a Hybrid World

Speak the language of “You Belong Here” (YBH). The language of YBH is the vocabulary of connection. It’s a direct route to rapport and personal harmony. It ladders you up through the 5 Levels of Belonging: Unwelcome. Discomfort. Tolerance. Acceptance. Belonging. In every interaction, your mission should be to move people to the level of Belonging.


There are 7 core components of YBH: 1. Make others feel welcome. 2. Listen with intention. 3. Be cognizant of the context of the conversation. 4. Be authentic, vulnerable, and self-effacing. 5. Build rapport by demonstrating your love of others. 6. Declare your absolute support for others-and follow through. 7. Work to avoid Microaggressions. We are not judged by our feelings but by our actions. Develop your Multiple Personality Agility. Be the Keeper of The Safety Flame. Leadership is not a title – it’s a responsibility to each other.


There are 8 proven guidelines for creating belonging in a hybrid reality: 1. Repeat your raison d’etre relentlessly. 2. Commit to optimizing communication. 3. Be an authentic actor. 4. Master the technology. 5. Tell a great story. 6. Animate your style. 7. Listen like you’re all-in. 8. Recover quickly